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We read up on the laws of solar activity. The repetition of the law found in each data. [もぐらのもぐ相対性理論]

May 6, 2021
Here is the presentation by the mogura-no-mogu.com Solar Activity Climate Change Research Project Team.

This announcement was also made in Japanese. The Japanese page is more comprehensive.
It is a shock to the whole world. Please translate and enjoy.

Professor PAPAMOGU

We have a message for the world.

Researchers around the world pay too much attention to what is right in front of them.
We need to keep our distance and look at the big picture.

Some of the data we are about to show hides the existence of a major cycle of solar activity and its repetition.

How come no one has noticed this fact?

Discover and publish the world's first primary cause of climate change.
Each of the long-term data of solar activity (radiocarbon 14) and temperature change (oxygen 18) hid a characteristic law.
In other words, solar activity fluctuated in a lawful manner, and the temperature changed in accordance with that law.Needless to say, temperature changes are occurring near the surface of the planets and satellites in our solar system.The idea of "global warming" is silly.

Proof of that fact
Data Showing Evidence
Part 1: Solar wind change data based on radiocarbon 14 (past 12,000 year)
Part 2: Glacial cycle data based on ice core data (past 450,000 year)
Part 3: Temperature change data based on oxygen-18 data (past 66 million year)
Part 4: Temperature change data based on oxygen 18 data (past 550 million year)
We will prove the "truth of this world" hidden in the above data in a simple way.
This fact gives us many new insights. We will end by pointing out a few of the major ones.

Part 1

Part 2


Part 3

Part 4


Ask any researcher in the world.
We have confirmed the law and its repetition in solar activity.
And we have confirmed the law and its repetition in temperature changes.
What does it all mean?
Think about it in terms of common sense.

There is only one answer.
In our solar system, temperature changes occur not only on Earth but also on other planets and satellites. Needless to say, the glacial cycle is not a natural phenomenon limited to Earth.

The concept of global warming is nothing but a shallow one.
It was a delusion of people who lacked imagination.

Very important evidence.
For more details, please refer to previous publications, and if you physically superimpose the graphs of sunspots separated by 120 years, you can see the repetition of the law.

Key facts to consider
Repeated extinction periods on Earth. It is thought to have occurred due to changes in the solar activity cycle. This suggests that extinction periods are not unhealthy.

Predicting future temperature changes will soon become easier. There is a good chance that we will be able to predict future temperature changes for hundreds of millions of years.

Temperature changes are also occurring on the planets and satellites of our solar system. Migration to Mars must be planned in light of this fact.

Same thing would be happening in stellar systems with properties similar to our Sun. It is probably a universal natural phenomenon that is happening all over the universe.

Geomagnetic reversal will be correlated with a major cycle of solar activity. This means that there is a law.

A Law change in solar activity causes a Law change in the temperature of planets and satellites.
There is no other story that is so easy to understand.

That's all for today.

Our discovery was made possible by the excellent work of brilliant researchers around the world. Thank you very much.

We began our study on November 21, 2017. We have reached our current phase on April 30, 2021.

We have named this set of facts "Mogura no mogu Relativity".
First theory of relativity is, of course, Einsteinian relativity.
And now, the second theory of relativity has been born. Perhaps a third theory of relativity will be born someday.

Thank you for access.



Following sites will be completely redesigned this summer.

Latest understanding. Trial 10 (Japanese.)

Trial 1



The simpler the explanation, the more correct it is.
Occam's razor

Edited as one file.


nice! 7