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Hello. Mr. Howard Diamond and all NOAA staff. [気候変動に関わるカテゴリー]

Hello. Mr. Howard Diamond and all NOAA staff

First of all, I would like to offer my utmost apologies for the delay in replying to your e-mail. We will ensure that this will not happen in the future.
This was a blunder caused by a mistake in my server settings
We email to NOAA was in the fall of 2022.
About 18 months have passed since then, and I have since discovered a number of core facts, and I am to report those facts to NOAA.

None of these facts would be something that a true scientist would be able to ignore.

Scientific Data Part 1
solar wind and sunspots and sst.jpg

As shown in the figure above, there appears to be a time difference of about 60 years between solar wind and sunlight (solar radiation).

The IPCC calculated that the variation in solar activity is less than 0.1% and that the effect on temperature is less than 1°C, but this may be a misunderstanding in basic understanding.

Scientific Data Part 2
solar wind and ata.jpg
Excerpt from the official website of the Cosmic Ray Physics Laboratory (CR Laboratory), Nagoya University. Solar wind for the past 3000 years (also solar activity data. Based on radiocarbon-14).
Note that I have independently inverted the data up and down to match the average temperature data.
If you plot the data minus to the upper side and plus to the lower side, you can find the correlation with the average temperature data.


Average temperature anomaly data for the Northern Hemisphere over the past 2000 years published by the IPCC.

Note that the solar wind radiation appears to have declined in the 1940s, but this decline was caused by the neutron radiation generated by the development of nuclear weapons by mankind.
In fact, it is inferred that the solar wind was rising rapidly until about 1958 or 1960 (inferred based on the number of sunspot observations).

Scientific Data Part 3
Sunlight (solar radiation) variation data. An example
Observation data at Tsukuba City, Japan Meteorological Agency

Scientific Data Part 4
solar radiation and sun spots.jpg
It is true that sunlight (solar radiation) is on an upward trend in many parts of the world.
However, there appears to be a time lag of about 55 years between sunspot observation data and sunlight (solar radiation) variations.

Figure 1:
1930-1940 sunlight.jpg
In the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere,
temperatures are falling and sunlight (solar radiation) is becoming a phenomenon.

The peak in the average temperature increase observed in the late 1930s was also brought about by fluctuations in sun light(solar radiation).
This is exactly the same principle behind the modern phenomenon of global warming.

Download URL 
https://www.jcam-agri.co.jp/book/data/%E8%BE%B2%E6%A5%AD%E3%81%A8%E7%A7%91%E5%AD%A6%201975.01%E6%9C%88/1975%E5%B9%B401%E6%9C%88%E5 %8F%B7_%E5%A4%A7%E5%BE%8C%E7%BE%8E%E4%BF%9D_%E6%9C%80%E8%BF%91%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E3%81%AE%E7%95%B0%E5%B8%B8%E6%B0%97%E8%B 1%A1%E3%81%A8%E8%BE%B2%E6%A5%AD.pdf
Title of Bibliography Recent World Extreme Weather and Agriculture
Author Yoshiyasu Daigo, President of the Society of Industrial Science and Technology and Doctor of Agriculture
Date of Publication January 1, 1975

Scientific Data Part 5
Misconceptions in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report 06.jpg
Mixing the two sets of data on sunlight (solar radiation) shows this.

At least since the 1920s, there has been a correlation between changes in sunlight (solar radiation) and changes in global average temperature.

The IPCC has many misconceptions, and no doubt it also misunderstands the distinction between sunspots and sunlight (solar radiation).

The sun radiates energy that is divided into two main types of systems. These are the solar wind system and the solar photovoltaic system.

The sunspot observation data is only a visual count of the number of black spots, and cannot be said to be a number related to solar energy radiation. The IPCC and others must have misunderstood this fact.

Scientific Data Part 6
This is a simple scheme, but this understanding is probably the correct one.

Scientific Data Part 7
solar wind and ata 1500year 02.jpg
source data

The scale is shorter than that of the Scientific Data (Scientific Data Part 2) at the beginning of this report.
However, this scale makes it clearer that there is a time difference between solar wind and sun light (solar radiation) of about 55 to 60 years.

Scientific Data Part 8
001 過去千年の気温と太陽活動.jpg

Scientific Data Part 9
002 過去千年の気温と太陽活動ミックス版.jpg

I will follow up on the translation, but ・・・・
Northern Hemisphere average temperature anomalies from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
Solar wind (also known as solar activity data, often found on the internet. (based on radiocarbon-14)

There appears to be a time difference between solar wind and sunlight (solar radiation).

Scientific Data Part 10
temp and sst.jpg

The theory of CO2 anthropogenic global warming is that average global temperatures will rise first, and then sea surface temperatures and other factors will begin to rise.

As a timeline, we cannot deny that there are discrepancies between what we can confirm with scientific data.

Scientific Data Part 11
set 60year late.jpg

Sunspot observation count data and solar wind data are processed into images with a 60-year delay.

Even in such a drawing, we can prove that there is a time difference of about 60 years between solar wind and sunlight (solar radiation) variations.

Scientific Data Part 12
An organized chart along 07.jpg
The IPCC's interpretation and ours are chronologically the exact opposite.

The relevant scientific data can always be organized in chronological order.
This is a very obvious task, and if done well, it should be able to substantiate elementary things.

With a budget of only zero$, there is only so much we can do.
So, the only thing we can do is to keep confirming the very obvious things like this. Surprisingly, however, this kind of work seems to be a shortcut to a great discovery.

Scientific Data Part 13
Solar wind data for the past 12400 years.jpg
The IPCC has stated that the variability of solar radiation is less than 0.1%, but this is a gross misunderstanding.
Thus, the solar wind has been rising significantly.
Until now, humans have thought that the sun is a not variable light star,

In fact, the Sun, like Betelgeuse, appears to have been a variable light star.
What is the glacial cycle? It is a proof that the Sun is a variable light star.

In fact, it appears that solar wind as well as sunlight has been rising.
This is probably the cause of the onset of the interglacial period.

Scientific Data Part 14
Past sea level rise has also occurred with the rise of solar wind (solar energy radiation).

In the face of these facts, is it not difficult to believe that sunlight is immovable?

Conclusion so far

To begin with: ・・・・
Most of the countless stars in the universe are probably variable light stars.
To begin with, ・・・・
Is there really a star that is not a not variable light star?

What is the IPCC announcement?
Quite simply, that the sun is a not variable light star.

What is mogura-no-mogu announcement?
Simply put, the sun was also a variable light star.
Either one of the two claims is wrong.

Out of the total atmospheric volume of 100%, only 0.04% is CO2.
Furthermore, what kind of chemical reaction is occurring with this extremely small amount of CO2 that is causing global warming? There is no concrete empirical data.

Such concrete empirical data has not been presented for more than 34 years.
This has always been pointed out.

if the sun were a variable light star, there is a vast amount of evidence.

For reference.
If sunlight fluctuates in small increments, would it not primarily cause heating near the equator?
Could that be the cause of the El Niño phenomenon occurring?

Hello. Mr. Howard Diamond and all NOAA staff
In our latest interpretation, we are beginning to establish a climate change model in which variations in solar wind and sunlight (solar radiation) are causing major changes in the atmospheric general circulation (Hadley, polar, and Ferrell circulations).

Variations in the solar wind seem to be mainly responsible for variations in the polar circulation.

Variations in sunlight (solar radiation)seem to mainly cause variations in equatorial sea surface temperatures, which in turn cause variations in the Hadley circulation.

This simple interpretation can roughly explain climate change.

With this interpretation, there would not be a rash of skeptical sites.


Why did the human race assume that the Sun is a not variable light star?

It seems that scientific data has not confirmed that it is a not variable light star, but only that we have somehow made such a strong assumption.

If the Sun were a variable light star, the evidence would be vast.
For example, the glacial cycles seen in the Antarctic ice cores are the best evidence that the Sun is a variable light star. In any case, it is true that the Sun is variable light star.

The "modern warming" phenomenon seems to have been a natural phenomenon that provided a convenient way to confirm the existence of a time lag between the two major elements, the solar wind and sunlight.

Glacial cycle

What is this data ?
It proves that the Sun is a variable light star.
Sunlight does not stop at the same value for even one second.
It keeps fluctuating with periodicity.

014 約6600万年海底水温変動データ.jpg

015 過去約6600万年間の周期パターン.jpg
This interpretation also establishes that the Sun is a variable light star.
And the periodic unit would be tens of millions of years or more.

The Milankovitch cycle theory should also be forgotten, now.

Summary of 3 lines
The sun was a variable light star. Betelgeuse is also known as a variable light star.

The Sun's variable light is periodic. One example is the glacial cycle.

A time difference exists between solar wind and solar light. Modern global warming was caused by it.

Is there a time difference between stellar wind and stellar light emission in non-sun? It is unknown.

That is all for today's presentation.
Thank you for viewing.

And more



Tamiya Plastic Model Kit 1/35
Brachiosaurus and Stegosaurus
Surfacer Finish

The extinction of dinosaurs may have been due to the fact that the sun was a variable light star.




その1 太陽もまた(ベテルギウスのように)、変光星だった
その2 太陽の変光は周期性がある。その一例が氷期サイクル
その3 太陽風と太陽光の放射には時間差が存在する。現代の温暖化なるものはそれが原因で発生していた

補足 太陽以外の恒星において、恒星風と恒星光の放射に時間差が存在するのか?それについては不明





現代人は、中世に起こっていた「天動説vs 地動説」のエピソードを笑うものですが、













もぐらのもぐによるここまでの発表は、つまるところ太陽系という、一つの恒星系モデルのエッセンスを解き明かす事に繋がっています。そして解き明かし始めています。もぐらのもぐ相対性理論 ver7は正にそんな境地でタイピングしています。












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